首先是把联想的一键恢复删除掉,把3G隐藏分区释放出来。从网上下载了一个hpatools,在Dos下直接运行hpatools /clr删除,然后用pm将硬盘重新分区。前阵子还一直考虑要不要继续使用Windows,毕竟俺的是Z版的。在体验了ubuntu liveCD之后,我决定把windows彻底的赶出我的电脑,于是把硬盘全分成了linux分区。
接下来开始安装过程,安装很简单。第一次安装ubuntu感觉相当不错,兼备了RedHat简便的安装方式及Debian优秀的包组织结构。接下来更主要的任务就是设置问题,按照ubuntuChina上的wiki说明一步步进行。ping了一下,cn.archive.ubuntu.com这个源是最快的,于是把源换成了它。接下来安装Java环境,安装LumaQQ,安装Flash支持,安装code32及mplayer。一切搞定之后,将整个系统升了一下级非常简单的几个命令sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade。ubuntu下的字体实在不够漂亮(漂亮的商业字体都要钱的)。接下来开始美化:
1. 将Windows下的simsun.ttc tahoma.ttf verdana.ttf verdanab.ttf verdanaz.ttf tahomabd.ttf verdanai.ttf拷贝到/usr/share/fonts/zh_CN(我的windows是正版的,也就是说我购买了这些字体的使用权,因此这应该不算侵权)
2. 安装字体到系统中
cd /usr/share/fonts/zh_CN
sudo makefontscale
sudo mkfontdir
sudo fs-cache
sudo chmod 755 *
3. 用如下的内容替换/etc/fonts/laguage-selector.conf
< fontconfig >
< alias >
< family>serif
< prefer>
< family>Bitstream Vera Serif< /family>
< family>SimSun< /family>
< family>DejaVu Serif< /family>
< family>AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni< /family>
< family>AR PL ZenKai Uni< /family>
< /prefer>
< /alias>
< alias>
< family>sans-serif< /family>
< prefer>
< family>Bitstream Vera Sans< /family>
< family>SimSun< /family>
< family>DejaVu Sans< /family>
< family>AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni< /family>
< family>AR PL ZenKai Uni< /family>
< /prefer>
< /alias>
< alias>
< f amily>monospace< /family>
< prefer>
< family>Bitstream Vera Sans Mono< /family>
< family>DejaVu Sans Mono< /family>
< family>SimSun< /family>
< /prefer>
< /alias>
< match target="font">
< test name="family" compare="contains">
< string>Song
< string>Sun
< string>Kai
< string>Ming
< /test>
< test compare="more_eq" target="pattern" name="weight">
< int>180< /int>
< /test>
< edit mode="assign" name="embolden">
< bool>true< /bool>
< /edit>
< /match>
< match target="font">
< test name="family" compare="contains">
< string>Song< /string>
< string>Sun< /string>
< string>Kai< /string>
< string>Ming< /string>
< /test>
< edit name="globaladvance">
< bool>false< /bool>
< /edit>
< edit name="spacing">
< int>0< /int>
< /edit>
< edit name="hinting">
< bool>true< /bool>
< /edit>
< edit name="autohint">
< bool>false< /bool>
< /edit>
< edit name="antialias" mode="assign">
< bool>true< /bool>
< /edit>
< test name="pixelsize" compare="less_eq">
< int>18< /int>
< /test>
< edit name="antialias" mode="assign">
< bool>false< /bool>
< /edit>
< /match>
< match target="pattern">
< test name="family">
< string>SimSun< /string>
< string>SimSun-18030< /string>
< string>AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni< /string>
< string>AR PL New Sung< /string>
< string>MingLiU< /string>
< string>PMingLiU< /string>
< /test>
< edit binding="strong" mode="prepend" name="family">
< string>Tahoma
< string>Verdana
< /edit>
< /match>
< match target="pattern">
< test name="family">
< edit name="family" mode="assign">
< /match>
< match target="pattern">
< test name="family">
< edit name="family" mode="assign">
< /match>
< match target="pattern">
< test name="family">
< edit name="family" mode="assign">
< /match>
< match target="pattern">
< test name="family">
< edit name="family" mode="assign">
< /match>
< match target="pattern">
< test name="family">
< edit name="family" mode="assign">
< /match>
< /fontconfig>
deb http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org/ edgy main再导入包的GPG密钥
wget http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org/root@lupine.me.uk.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -使用sudo apt-get update更新源
将section "Module"中的
Load "dri"前的注释符"#"去掉,如果没有相应的行,加上即可。在section "Device"段中,为自己的显卡加上如下的一行:
Load "dbe"
Load "glx"
Option "XAANoOffscreenPixmaps"在文件最后加入如下两段:
Section "DRI"重启X,
Mode 0666
Section "Extensions"
Option "Composite" "Enable"
sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart
sudo apt-get install beryl直接运行
sudo apt-get install emerald-themes
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